Master your Mind - Kaer Retreat
10th to 14th of March 2024
From 10th to 14th of March dive deep into an enriching five-day journey set in Portugal's breathtaking landscapes of Sublime Comporta. Master mindfulness, optimize energy, and discover your inner strength through a diverse blend of movement classes, mindfulness practices, and spa rejuvenation.
Each day of this journey is thoughtfully curated through the Kaer Method—a holistic framework of activities aimed at complete well-being. You'll engage in energizing movement classes, breathwork, and meditation sessions, with each day presenting a new combination to stimulate your nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems. Plus, the presence of a renowned brain expert offers exclusive sessions, where cutting-edge brain science is integrated into your path to wellness, enhancing stress release and nourishing your nervous system. This journey, intricately designed to optimize your body's natural rhythms, invites you to delve deep, create space for change, and truly master your mind with us.
For More informations and revervations: